Tuesday 28 August 2012

This portait i done on a saturday morning in my dorm using rooibos tea,quink ink and bleach .A great way to start the day and learn a few inexpensive methods for creating art.

rooi-bos tea technique

Here are some techniques to enjoy when you in a mood for some relaxed, inexspensive arts fun.
I dunked one rooi-bos teabag in three cups of warm water.The water must be at different levels in every cup and the time you keep the teabag in the water must differ from cup to cup.You can use as many cups as you desire.
we ARTerifik

Monday 13 August 2012

hand drawing practice

Having a hard time drawing hands? You are not alone, but really , the only way one can get better at drawing or anything for that matter is by repeating it over and over and over and over again.